Hedgehog Box

Since moving to Great Wratting we have had all sorts of wildlife in the garden, foxes, muntjacks, deer, adders you name it, one thing we have not had is Badgers and there appears to be no sign of them here, where as in most other places in Suffolk and Essex you see evidence of them everywhere.

As a result of this we have had lots and lots of Hedgehogs, I’ve never seen so many and often we have groups of them in the garden something I’ve never seen personally, we had five in the garden the other week and when eldest went to investigate one did a runner but the other four remained…

Our back garden backs onto a small wood and ponds and then the River Stour so we get all sorts coming up and down the garden, I have tried to encourage as much nature as possible so with the Hedgehogs in mind decided to build them a house,. With plenty of scraps in the office I made a rough plan and began, there are plenty of variations on google on how to build one, but I kept mine very simple and often crude with my cutting!

It didn’t take long for them to show interest


Sound Recordings - Natures Conversations